Thursday, November 10, 2011

Turns out 6 Posts is Sort of my Limit (also something about Llamas?)

Ahh...crap.  So this gets harder when you don’t have any new zombie news, which (by the way) I attribute to halloween being over.  Thanks “Holiday.”  More importantly though, I don’t want my strange visitors from Russia getting the wrong idea about this thing.  Also, I don’t want to get yelled at in Beer Club tonight.  So post time it is...Huzzah.

Seriously though, Russia how did you find me?  I tried the search engine that “apparently” brought you here and I’m not in the first FIFTY least!  I got distracted after that.  Welcome anyway.  I didn’t mean to single you out, but I’m nearly certain that I don’t know anyone in Russia...although I’m not putting it past anyone to have tabs on me.  We may be in another cold war for all I know.  

ps. if we go all cold war in like...2 weeks... It is not my fault, and no matter how you slice it I’m never going to admit I “called it”  That’s how you wake up dead.  I’ve seen Police Academy 4.  This shit goes down ALL THE TIME.  That needed both capitals and italics; because I’ve decided that’s the sarcasm mark, which made me look up tilde’s where I actually meant schwa.  ALL because I wanted to share the schwa llama with you because the Internet needs more llamas and memes (half that statement is true).  Llama! 

And for everyone hiding under a rock for the past eleventeen years (it was louder than I expected, notch down on your volume a tad):

Ok. THAT may have started the cold war back up...just now.  Must be Thursday.

This is how my brain works.  Get used to it people.

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