Thursday, December 22, 2011

I was going to write about the Star Wars Christmas Special...but this is more important.

Here’s how it lays out; I was picked from that giant voter pool for jury duty a few years ago (I escaped it by having my name not be drawn in the courthouse). Here’s my beef: While I was there, a number of peoples names were drawn to stand as a jury of their peers. More than the requisite twelve. Many more. You want to know why? Because we all dodge our civic duty like it’s diarrhea plague. YEAH. It’s that fucking terrible to do your civic duty. You can tell that because I used the term “escaped” in my justification. It’s clearly like pulling teeth. I’m not sure if the worst part is that we think it’s so horrible to do our job, or that we decided to put such a low value on the importance of the justice system. I don’t know.

Of these, there was a disproportionate number of people that when called up, as their reason for not being part of this trial stared straight down at the floor mumbled “I’m a racist” and were excused. THEN THEIR SOUL DIED. Just a little, but you could see it. When did it become better to admit you hate an entire skin tone than to lose a couple days work (by the way, if you legitimately can’t afford to lose a couple days work, you show valid reason and you get exempt). Seriously. I’m reasonably sure that people who actually are racist aren’t cognizant enough to realize it’s a reason to be excluded. Even the judge looked disgusted. It’s worse than wetting yourself in public. You’re telling a room full of people that (because this city is always smaller than it seems) next time you cross paths, you get to say “Oh, I remember you! You’re that racist!” And then they (potentially) get beaten on the street. What’s left if we sell out our beliefs to save a little hassle? It’s like blowing this totally out of proportion and saying “Oh, child molestation isn’t that bad....I mean, they’re going to learn all about that stuff eventually.” As you watch all your moral fibre go straight down the shitter. I mean, it’s not like anyone votes anyway. What’s the point? My party never wins. Fuck’s sake. (If you couldn’t tell that’s sarcasm, and you should leave right now before someone comes up behind you and molests your skull with a chair.)

I’m hoping you know where I’m going with all that....I got distracted by a dream I had a couple nights ago where I was chilling at home and was getting semi-automatically shot at by someone in the forest across the street (which doesn’t exist in real life). I distracted them for a while by throwing shirts around and they’d shoot at that while I tried to call 911 and repeatedly got a busy signal. I think at some point they got smarter and I got a cop who didn’t believe me. The important part is that I didn’t get shot and the police never showed up.

That is where all this complacency is heading. Just a warning. Random shootouts, busy Emergency Services line. “Oh well, maybe it’s how it’s supposed to end...?”

Get out of here and figure this shit out on your own. Goddamn.

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