Wednesday, January 11, 2012

That SOPA thing...

All right, it's confusing. You don't think it applies to you, but it does. If you haven't heard it's the "Stop Online Piracy Act" that's currently floating around the US Congress. The trick here is that it's bad. I understand piracy is a problem. Now, before you get all "it's stealing!" about it consider this:
I enter your home and take your cat. That's stealing. 
I enter your home and clone your cat, take it and leave the original where I found it no worse for wear. There are now two cats. That's piracy.

Now the big thing here is basically for anyone who uses the internet for....anything remotely multimedia like. 

It changes the ball game. This guy is really eager and wordy and a bit of a nerd; but being the internet that we know and love he can be all these things and still be right. Also, the internet gives me the right to say that. Freedom of speech and whatnot. 
Check it:

K. Got it? SOPA = BAD.

The bill is set to go first thing once Senate opens on the 24th. You want to know how I know that? The internet. You know what would change? My ability to know things like that. 

Steve Niles (a comic book guy) said this: "SOPA does more than go after so-called 'piracy' websites...SOPA takes away all due process, shuts down any site it deems to be against the law without trial, without notification, without due process...Nobody seems to give a shit, or either they’re scared. Either way, very disappointing. I guess when it affects them they’ll get mad… I know folks are scared to speak out because a lot of us work for these companies, but we have to fight. Too much is at stake."

Also got that from wikipedia. It's like a font of knowledge up in here.

I recommend you go and read this:
Then go back and read it again. 
Get it in that head of yours. 

Now go find your soapbox.

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