Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cool stuff on the weebs

Hey so it's been a while and I have no excuse.  All two of my followers have probably lost interest, so this is really pointless.  Can't win 'em all, turns out life is not at all like cheating at cards. 

Internet things you should know about:

My Drunk Kitchen...Hannah Hart is fucking ridiculous.  I have a very real desire to meet this classy broad in a not at all creepy way.  I had a hard time choosing which episode to include here, so you get to watch pizza.  I hope it's a good choice.  This comes with the recommendation to watch them all.  Because she swears like I do and it makes me feel better about making drunk apple cobbler.

There is also a music video.  Watch that for added puns and hilarity.  This is why god made internet happen...well, this and porn.  Put that in your brain.

Ok great...also, for you theatre nerds of which there are....probably more than one that read this thing by accident; I spread the joy of "Stage Manager Ryan Gosling" which makes me feel better about loving sticky notes and sharpies both as individual units and as combo-packs:

Bo Burnham is a funny dude, this is probably NSFW.  He's a little offensive but also deliciously punny.  I guess the moral here is that the internet is more for puns than the porn part....unless someone makes a porn pun website...then the cycle is complete.  This makes me wonder about internet christians.  Do they wander around like the only guy that didn't get laid in Sodom and Gommorah?  Let me tell you, the internet is not penitent:


Welp, hope this was an adequate slacker post for everyone. See you next time.

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